Arbor Day Off  2

Interview Tip #6: Strategic Questions

As a Marketing Recruiter, I often find that well-prepared candidates work hard on having smart, concise responses to interview questions.  What they often fail to do is have good insightful questions for the interviewer.  Everyone knows that asking…

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You Must Like Ice Fishing Sq3

Recruiting Marketing Talent Isn’t Ice...

What does ice fishing have to do with talent acquisition?  As a Marketing Recruiter based in Minnesota, I find this to be an apt analogy for many companies’ talent acquisition efforts. Consider this:  A marketing leader for a…

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Marketing is Everything e1612959427516

Marketing is Everything

Marketing is Everything.  This statement is as true today as it was when Regis McKenna first penned his article in the early 90’s.  This is not to say that Marketing is the most important function in an organization. …

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Are you prepared to Enter the Dragon

Interview Tip #5: Interview Jiu...

Are you prepared to Enter The Dragon? Jiu Jitsu students learn to use their opponent’s energy to defeat them.  Savvy candidates can use a similar technique during their interviews.  I am not advocating throwing your interviewer to the…

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Are You A Mind Reader  2

Interview Tip #4: Validating Questions

As a marketing executive recruiter, I have been stunned by the number of mind readers that are out there.  Who are these mind readers?  They are otherwise very talented candidates who simply pass on the opportunity to ask…

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Marketer Market Thyself 1

Marketers Need To Market Themselves

Marketer, Market Thyself! What is the best product that many marketers appear to never want to market?  It’s themselves! Picture this, a CEO named Jesse hops into an elevator with a marketing manager named Jane.  Recognizing her, Jesse…

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Future of Product Management

The Future of Product Management...

To whom or what does the future of product management belong?  Is it AI solutions taking over the function? Is it virtual reality tools that can conceive and prototype products in seconds? Is it new crowdsourcing tools to…

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Baby Im A STAR small square 2

Interview Tip #3: Be a...

“Tell me about a time when you….” or “What is your experience doing ….?”  I have seen many smart, articulate marketers and business leaders absolutely freeze with simple questions like these.  Or worse yet, they give 15-minute-long answers…

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Amanda Gorman Inspiration 2 e1611246736642

What inspires you?

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of being inspired by the nation’s first youth poet laureate Amanda Gorman.  This appeal to our better angels to make for a more just and inclusive union harkened back to a time…

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Thats an excellent answer... sm

Interviewing Tip #2: Clarifying Questions

“That’s an excellent answer…to a completely different question.” One of the most basic pieces of interview advice I have given to candidates is to make sure that they understand what the interviewer is really asking with what I call Clarifying…

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